


  • abbr.

    Leeward Islands 下风方向的岛屿;

  • 学习《Leewards》怎么用


    Leewards Survey 19, June 1967
    Leewards Survey 21, August-September 1967
    Nevis: Queen of the Leewards
    Barbados defeats Rest of Leewards in resounding 193-run win
    Making leeway in the Leewards, 1929–51: The negotiation of colonial development
    Trinidad and Bangladesh "A"draw, Leewards, Jamaica and Guyana take first innings
    Immission and dry deposition of the trace gases O 3 and SO 2 leewards of a conurbation over longer time
    Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a Rural Community Leewards of a Waste Incineration Plant
    National Museum of Natural History (U.S.) Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program, 1961-1973 : Leewards, Kure report.
    The selective utilization of legal avenues of assistance by women on the caribbean Island of St.Kitts in the British Leewards